12.25 Malay study log


Merry Christmas. I almost felt asleep, but I did study Malay.

Today, I progressed lesson4 and lesson5. Adjectives and verbs have appeared. I feel like I’m actually studying grammar.


Kopi ini terlalu manis.(This coffee is too sweet.)

I often use “too" in everyday conversation, so I am willing to master it.

Piano Angela Aki terlalu besar.(Angela Aki’s piano is too big.)

For me, the word order in Malay is familiar.

Saya belajar bahasa Melayu. (I study Malay.)

Furthermore, it seems that adding -an to the end of a verb means “something that is (verb)”.

makanan (makan (eat) +an, food)

minuman(minum (drink) +an, drink)

Also, I translate my works written in Japanese to English. However, I relied almost entirely on machine translation, and only corrected the parts that felt strange myself. I would like to translate my works by myself someday, but my existing works are too many words to try it. I will try it when I write a new short work.

“Let, me, tell, you, bird, myth" is the English translation of「とり、の、しんわ、を、つたえ、ます」. There are approximately 2,500 characters. I’m glad that the first work I translated was this, as it’s a favorite of mine. If you have read the Japanese version, please take a look.

“The southernmost tip of" was originally written as a play. Here is the Japanese version.

I was quite tired from translating these two works into English today, so I fell asleep in the middle of my Malay language studies.

I’m so absorbed in learning foreign languages that I’m spending less time writing in Japanese, so I want to write a novel tomorrow.